Grow your indie game with help from Google Play

Today we’re opening applications for the 2021 editions of the Indie Games Accelerator and the Indie Games Festival from Google Play. These programs are designed to support the growth of small games studios that bring unique games to players around the world. 

Get help to develop your game with the Indie Games Accelerator

The Indie Games Accelerator brings the best of Google’s programs, products, people and technology to indie game developers that are full of potential. Selected studios will get free education and mentorship from Google and top industry experts to help them build and grow a successful games company. 

This year the program will be fully digital and is expanding to nearly double the markets, including the U.S., UK, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, South Korea and others. 

Promote your existing games with the Indie Games Festival 

The Indie Games Festival celebrates the creativity and innovation of top indie talent. Selected games will be rewarded with promotions on Google Play and dedicated marketing campaigns that will help players worldwide discover the games. 

We will host three competitions for indie game developers from Japan, South Korea and select European countries. 

If you are an indie game developer based in one of the eligible countries, apply for either program by July 1st

by Patricia CorreaDeveloper Marketing Google Play via The Keyword


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